In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Update on Direct Primary Election: Waiting for Materials, Trusting in Fairness
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Consultation for Genuine Leadership: Engaging Edo Central Members
In City News‚ Community‚ Devlopement Condolence Visit: Hon. Anamero Pays Respects to Victims of Tragic Accident
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Hon Anamero Submits Nomination Forms: A New Chapter in Edo’s Political Landscape
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Igniting Hope: Dekeri Rallies Edo Central for “Venture of Hope” Agenda
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Hon Anamero Rallies Edo North Leaders: “Together, We’ll Make Edo Great Again!”
Empowering Women: Hon. Anamero Distributes Grinding Machines in Etsako Hon. Anamero encouraged the beneficiaries to carefully use and maintain the machines to support their families and sustain their livelihoods.